Monday, December 1, 2008

Daniel Radcliffe & Vocab.

So the other morning I had an odd dream. I was in Portland for work, but I was out on my lunch break at a diner, akin to Becky's Diner but somewhere over near India Street. Anyway, there I was sitting at the bar having my lunch when in walks Daniel Radcliffe* with his mother & brother. (disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about this actor, or his family) So I smile & make polite conversation (they take the booth behind my bar stool, so this is easy) and mostly spend the time talking to Mrs. Radcliffe about Portland and the weather. Then she & the younger brother leave, and Daniel moves up to the stool next to me. As his family is leaving I say something like "I sincerely hope you have a lovely visit" and they head out the door. Then Daniel looks at me and says, with a slight smirk "Sincerely?" and I probably blush a little bit and say "What? I always use big words when they're not necessary! I use words like 'succinctly' in everyday conversation." Anyway, I proceeded to defend my vocabulary to this complete stranger, explaining about vocab games in middle school, etc. Really, in the end, he was very nice about it. Sadly, I woke up before I could say anything remotely cool.

I'm pretty sure I had this dream because when I was at the bank there was a brief clip of Daniel Radcliffe appearing on some late night talk show.

*In case any of you live under a rock, or have dysnomia, Daniel Radcliffe is the actor who plays Harry Potter

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