Friday, January 30, 2009

The Awesomeness That Is Hannah Holmes

Last week we hosted one of our funniest local authors, science and nature writer Hannah Holmes. She was here promoting her newest book, The Well-Dressed Ape: A Natural History of Myself.

Just in case you weren't aware, she's awesome!
And good at showing off her Pinnal Flap, as you can see...

Her reading technique this time around was quite innovative, and started with a little bit of a story. She said (roughly): "So I was at a concert recently, an unplugged concert, and the musician had all these guitars lined up across the stage, so somebody yelled out 'hey, what's with all the guitars,' and he answered that each guitar was for a different song, as they all sound different and are tuned differently too. So some other wiseacre calls out 'play number fourteen!' So he did, and abandoned his set list and just played the songs in the order that the audience called out."

And this is the methodology she employed - audience members called out page numbers and she read whatever was on that page. It was actually quite effective for this kind of book as there's something interesting on every page, and every page makes you wonder a bit about the context and what else might be mentioned nearby. The audience certainly seemed to appreciate it. Though Hannah might appreciate not suggesting page 16 ever again, as it involves a section titled 'Prominent Mammary Glands.'

Just for future reference.

Hannah was also featured on the local television newsmagazine '207' a couple weeks ago, if you want to see her in live-action here.

1 comment:

Hannah Holmes said...