Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Having already stuffed myself and given many personal thanks, the time has come for my bookstore thanks.

Going into this wet and icy season, I am thankful that the management company cleaned our gutters, at least partially preventing the waterfall onto our back steps. The waterfall which overpowers the weatherstripping, comes in all around the door (even through the wall above the door), soaks into the carpet, warps the floorboards, and fells all sorts of dumps (like these from the blog of the amazing Scott Westerfeld) with the greatest of ease.

Also check out this super awesome video of the leaky door. Keep your eyes peeled for the splash from above, and remember the previous comment about wall involvement in this whole leak business!

And remember to support your local independents when you go shopping tomorrow (even if they aren't located in leaky old buildings)!

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